Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Today, we do a little something special for all the green mamas. Whether you're just a little bit green, or greener than the Amazon itself, we've got fun stuff for you to make your day even more special. Here's to you, moms, and all the hard work you do! We may be green by choice, but you're the whole reason we're here, so here's our salutation to all the hard-working new moms, veteran moms, stay at home moms, working moms, and moms-to-be to say 'thank you' for bringing us into the world and bringing us up green!
Have you ever asked your mother what she wants for Mother's Day? Chances are she said, Oh, nothing honey. Or, maybe she was very honest and said 'I want a nap'. Either way, we all know that mom deserves something special just for her to celebrate her special day. If you don't know what to get your great green mama, we've got some suggestions that will help her relax, unwind, indulge, and enjoy her Mother's Day all the more!

Let's begin with
greeting card choices. While there's a veritable scbhmorgizbord of cards out there, all with different kinds of themes, whether it be sweet, cutesy, sappy, serious, or fun, there's one thing you can do to celebrate Mother's Day in a green way with your greeting. This year, when you're searching for that perfect card for mom, look around those endless greeting card aisles until you find the
recycled paper section. There are plenty of cards to choose from and they're printed on recycled paper, such as the
Papyrus line. With several, you can find a blank inside so that you can write your own greeting. A good idea for the non-creative types? Find a
Mother's Day poem online and write it into the card. She'll thank you for the extra thought, and you've just given her a green gesture, too. The price of recycled greeting cards? Variable, depending on where you're shopping. You can get them locally made in most places, but they're going to be a little more pricey. However, Target has a section of recycled greeting cards that are priced right in line with the non-recycled counterparts.
Some are even cheaper! This way, you can
stay green,
save a little money, and it will be a
special gesture that means a lot to mom.
But what about flowers? How do you go green with those? Here's an idea: there are plenty of florists, flower shops, and floral sections around, but they all use pesticides and chemicals to keep their flowers looking fresh. However, all natural bouquets can last for days or even weeks if you treat them well. No pesticides necessary. Plus, those floral shops will charge you a pretty penny for a couple daisies and a rose. A good alternative? Go searching for mom's birth flower, the one that represents what month she was born in. Chances are there's a patch of grass somewhere around that's housing some of these beauties, and those flowers won't have any pesticides. Another alternative is the farmer's market. This time of year, the floral vendors are out with all their spring flowers, so you can shop there and get your green going with some chemical-free, local flowers, even ones that represent mom the most. Another extra little gesture that'll bring a tear to her eye. Thoughtfulness goes a long way to mom. :)
Let's address for a moment the wants and not-so-much wants of moms everywhere. Everyone knows that mom does a lot around the house, right? But remember, this doesn't mean that you should buy her a new vacuum cleaner to say thanks. [Unless she's been using one of those powerless prototypes for the past 30 years... in which case it might be time for an upgrade.] To moms, getting a Mother's Day gift that has something to do with housework is no way to say 'thank you for doing the housework'. Cleaning is the last thing mom wants to think about on Mother's Day, trust me. Instead of picking up that fancy new toaster, try going with something more personal. It's easier than you think. Avoid clothing, unless mom has a real thing for shawls or accessory items. Shirts, dresses, skirts, and pants... they're best left at the store. Another no-no? Age creams. I know it seems like a good idea, but trust me, this one is better off left untouched. Gift cards? A great idea, but most moms won't have much time to go shopping for themselves and honestly, and I can say this from experience, they might end up using that gift card for something more practical such as groceries. Groceries for Mother's Day? No way! Don't even give her the option. The exception to the gift card rule is this: if she has an affection for books or a specific little shop that only sells her kinds of items, then the gift card can be done. As long as she has to use it for herself, the gift card is acceptable. Steer clear of those Visa gift cards, though. That'll get spent on children's clothing and boxes of cereal quicker than you know.
So, what do you get mom for a Mother's Day gift? Well, we've covered the card and finished up with the flowers, so now all we have left is her special gift. Most moms really enjoy special outings and a little time to sit down and do something they always like to do. Is your mom the crafty kind? Maybe a gift certificate to a scrapbooking class might be a good idea. Our favorite subject is our family, so scrapbooking is appealing to many moms to keep all those special memories in place. Is she the classy type? Try finding her some dinner theatre tickets to a popular show. If she's sporty, maybe a new bike would surprise her! No one's mom is just run-of-the-mill. They each have their own special interests and quirks, so remember that while you're shopping and give her something that really comes from the heart.
Here's some great green gifts that we've come up with as suggestions for Mother's Day purchases. They're affordable and mom-friendly, plus they're eco-friendly at the same time. No matter what kind of mom you have, believe me, she enjoys a little rest and relaxation. If you've got an eco-friendly spa nearby, you've found the perfect gift already, but as those are hard to come by, try these use-at-home alternatives to give mom the peace of mind she deserves. Believe me, she'll be grateful!
For the
expecting mom,
Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter with Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E. 98.5% all natural, smells delicious, and the packaging contains 50% post-consumer recycled plastic.
For the
already-a-mom mom,
Burt's Bees Mama Bee Leg and Foot Creme with Peppermint Oil and Rosemary Leaf extract. 100% all natural, still smells delicious, and the packaging contains 26% post-consumer recycled plastic.
Cut flowers, or, better yet, a nice plant so that she can see it year-round and remember how much you love her. Remember to go pesticide-free!
Organic teas. If you don't know what kind of taste buds she has, get a variety pack from your local co-op, grocery store, or specialty shop and give her
a tasty way to relax.

Under the Canopy spa robe. Will she be at the spa all the time? Of course not! So
why not bring the spa to her? These robes are made of organic cotton and super comfy. Plus, they'll give her something nice to wear when she locks herself away for that little bit of peace and quiet time that she so rightly deserves.

Local organic chocolates are a great gift if your
mom has a sweet tooth. In Lawrence, we have
Sleepy Jean's Confections, available at the farmer's market and The Merc, along with various other locations. These chocolates are handmade locally with care and love and they're packaged beautifully. Every mom loves handmade... and most of them love chocolate, too.

Does mom love candles? This one does! Get her some
soy candles to relax her atmosphere, available for very reasonable prices at every place from candle shops to Target. If you get them from Target, maybe pick up a couple pretty reusable bags for mom, too. Moms love attractive bags, believe me!

For even more relaxation, pair some lotion or candles with natural organic bath salts, like these
Bolivian Pink Sea Salts from Etsy seller
Sacred Herbals. Nothing relaxes the body and mind like a nice long bath, and these are sure to add that bit of
extra peacefulness to her spa-like experience.

That's all we have for you this Mother's Day! Send us messages and tell us what you got for your Mother's Day gifts or what special green goodies you gave to your mom. We love to hear from you! Shoot Mama Bennett an e-mail at saygoodmorningstarshine@gmail.com and tell us what made your Mother's Day special. Thanks for reading, everyone! Happy Mother's Day! And as always, thanks for growing up green with us!
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