So, just who are we, eh? And who are we to tell you how to go green when you could simply be watching Living With Ed to find out all your green tips? Good questions! Let's start with introductions!

Meet Mom and Dad! Tiffany and Zac Bennett!:
Zac comes from a background full of great green goodness! Mom and Dad on that side of the family have all the knowledge on both electric and hybrid vehicles and could talk non-stop about solar paneling for hours! We'd like to say that Papa Bennett has a pretty good grasp on all things green, not to mention fact vs. fiction.
Though Tiffany comes from a much less green background, being married to a green guy says something! Unlike Ed Begley's wife, [whom we still love no matter what!] Mama Bennett is always searching for ways to go more eco-friendly and all that stay-at-home mom time is certainly good for lots of research and experimenting! Everything from green cleaning to natural cosmetics reviews are available here!

Meet the Baby Bennetts!:
Molly may be just now getting her green footing, but she knows how important the environmental cause is, even if she forgets to turn off a light switch now and then. For her, the expertise lies in what makes going green fun. Want some advice on green toys or what ways you can keep you and your kids entertained while still saving the planet? She's your go-to girl!
Miles, although he's yet to begin expressing himself through words, has a whole 15 months worth of green experience, and he's getting pretty savvy! His area of expertise? Green eating, of course! Wanna know if something produced in an eco-friendly way is still super tasty? If so, he's got the dish on all the dining delicacies! Not bad for a 15-month-old, eh?
So, now you've met the family! Now, let's go back to the question "who are we to offer green tips?" Well, now you see that each of us has a separate area of emphasis in the green cause! The best part? We're an absolutely normal family with a tight budget and a tight time schedule. What's good about that you may ask? We understand how hard it can be to go eco-friendly, especially with little ones in tow [and believe me, the Bennett babes aren't any more well-behaved than anyone else's!]. But we can help you in your green efforts by keeping you up to date with our green family! Everyday in our house is filled with discoveries, green challenges, questions and answers, and fantastic finds. Then, we put our finds to the test! After that, we pass on all our green knowledge to you! And with a little luck, a bit of elbow grease, and maybe even a smidge of solar power, hopefully we can help you out a little bit in your quest to go green. Are our reusable shopping bags alone going to single-handedly save the planet? Probably not... but if every person we see decides to tote a canvas bag for their fresh produce instead of going plastic, we might be on to something!
Thanks for meeting the Bennetts and check back very soon for our latest daily discoveries and helpful hints to keep you and your house growing up green! And don't forget to keep checking your blog updates - we've got a new all-natural made-from-scratch bundle of joy coming this summer! Get ready this July to welcome Daphne, the new Baby Bennett, to our great green house!
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