Welcome to Growing Up Green! This blog is for parents who want to learn how their decisions, purchases, and parenting methods effect the environment and how we as parents can create positive change by going eco-friendly without a lot of expense or hard work.
It's a big job - saving the planet. But parents have some of the most say over what goes into landfills and how we interact with our environment. Did you know that just one disposable diaper, even a chlorine-free diaper, can take up to 500 years to biodegrade in a landfill? Take that times how many children you have, how many diapers they go through in a day, times how long they're in diapers - it's nearly unfathomable! But parents today have two things on their side: 1) they can find out easily how their choices effect our planet, and 2) they can easily find ways to help the environmental cause through switching and altering their choices, most of the time through simple and easily accomplished methods.
In our blog, we want to connect and reach out to other parents by handing out the facts about eco-friendly parenting and communicating on a personal level with other parents by sharing what our family does to keep growing up green. Thanks so much for dropping by, and keep in touch for updates, suggestions, tips, and tidbits of information that could change your idea on parenting, make a huge change for our environment, and teach you how to grow up green along with us!
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